Setting the record straight: scoliosis and chiropractic
You don’t have to be a chiropractor to know that our backbones are some of the most important bones in our bodies. They protect our spinal cord and for most people, they [...]
Back health beyond the classroom
Let’s face it: the long hours spent sitting for class, hunched over a computer or bent over homework isn’t good for anyone. Whether you’re preparing your child for the new school year [...]
A tool for your self care kit: chiropractic for optimal well being
Chiropractors have a role to play in their patient’s general well being and self care. One way that chiropractors do this is through maintenance care. Most people associate a visit to the [...]
Adjusting for you
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented times and it’s normal to feel uncertain and uncomfortable. While chiropractic clinics have undergone some changes, their commitment to your health remains the same. As the [...]
Headaches: the role your diet plays
By Dr. Jill Mckinnon Migraines are one of the top disabilities in young adults across the globe. 14 per cent of the population suffers from migraines and like most aches and pains, [...]
Parenting is a tough gig — don’t let back pain add to it
Whether you’re carrying a diaper bag, pushing a stroller, or playing endless games with your little one, it’s no secret that parenting can take a toll on your body. Luckily, there’s good [...]
Throwing yourself into work shouldn’t mean throwing your back out: four stretches for labourers
Whether you’re climbing stairs all day, moving inventory, or re-arranging furniture, it’s no secret that work can take a toll on your body. However, there’s good news—taking a few minutes per day [...]
Sitting at a desk shouldn’t be a pain in the back: three stretches for students
Whether you’re lugging heavy backpacks around, sitting through 3-hour long lectures, or having to convert your couch to a home-office, it’s no secret that school can take a toll on your body. [...]
A chiropractor’s guide to safely returning to activity
Summertime is here and with restrictions lifting, many of us are returning to the gym or getting outside to enjoy the weather. Whether you’re starting a new activity or returning to an [...]