Kick up your heels!
Reprinted with permission from the Ontario Chiropractic Association. Not only can those brand new high-heeled shoes cause pain in your feet, they can cause low back pain as well. In fact, poor footwear [...]
Easing into activity to prevent injury
Before you jump into your outdoor plans, or go from any period of inactivity to activity, chiropractor Dr. Alanna Tinney provides some tips to help you make the most of being active [...]
The Webster Technique for Expectant Mothers
Expectant mothers are often prone to health concerns due to the tremendous changes their bodies are undergoing. As their bodies prepare to bring a new life into the world, pregnant women experience [...]
Plant and rake without the ache
Reprinted with permission from the Ontario Chiropractic Association. Gardening is a great way to stay active and have fun in the sun. But many people sustain injuries that could easily have been prevented [...]
Pack it light. Wear it right: Handbags
Reprinted with permission from the Ontario Chiropractic Association. Some women carry the whole world in their handbag, but a heavy bag or purse can cause pain and injury to your back, neck and [...]
Sciatica: what is it, what causes it and how chiropractic can treat it
Have you ever heard someone mention sciatica as a reason for why they’re feeling uncomfortable or experiencing pain? If you have; but were left with more questions than answers, you’re not alone. [...]
Minimize Pregnancy Related Back Pain
Reprinted with permission from the Ontario Chiropractic Association. Did you know that at least half of pregnant women experience back pain? And 10% of those report discomfort severe enough to disrupt their daily [...]
Sleep Help
Age, an old injury, and a failing mattress are only a few of the many sources of sleep-disrupting pain. But no matter the cause, the result is the same: sleep deprivation. Any [...]
How to Stay Active All Year Long (Even When the Weather is Miserable)
Let’s be honest; no matter what our commitments to keeping active are, the weather outside can have some powerful vetoing powers on those plans. In fact, it’s not uncommon for people to [...]